Governing structure
The Danish Institute of Arbitration is governed by a Board consisting of the following members:
Håkun Djurhuus, Attorney-at-Law
DLA Piper Law Firm
Appointed by the Council of Representatives
Chairman of the DIA
Kim Haggren, Deputy Director
The Confederation of Danish Industries
Appointed by the Confederation of Danish Industries
Vice-Chairman of the DIA
Jeppe Skadhauge, Attorney-at-law
Rovsing & Gammeljord
Appointed by the Danish Arbitration Association
Christian Alsøe, Attorney-at-Law
Loeven Law Firm
Appointed by the Association of Danish Law Firms
Jacob Møller Dirksen, Attorney-at-Law
Appointed by the Danish Bar and Law Society
Chief Legal Counsel Anne Pindborg
A.P. Moller – Maersk
Appointed by the Danish Shipowners’ Association
Legal chief consultant Jeppe Rosenmejer
Appointed by SMVdanmark
Structural Engineer Torben Hvid Rasmussen
Appointed by the Danish Society of Engineers
Christian Lundblad, President of the Frederiksberg District Court
Frederiksberg District Court
Appointed by the Danish Judges’ Association
Sven Petersen, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M
The Danish Chamber of Commerce
Appointed by the Danish Chamber of Commerce
Ulrich Ramm, Attorney-at-Law
Appointed by the Danish IT Industry Association
The highest authority of the Danish Institute of Arbitration is the Council of Representatives, which consists of the following members:
Chief Legal Counsel Anne Pindborg
Appointed by Danish Shipowners’ Association
Christian Alsøe, Attorney-at-Law
Loeven Law Firm
Appointed by The Association of Danish Law firms
Chief Legal Adviser Jeppe Rosenmejer
SMEdenmark, the Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Appointed by SMEdenmark, the Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
State Authorized Public Accountant Torben Lange
Appointed by the Institute of State-Authorized Public Accounts in Denmark
Structural Engineer Torben Hvid Rasmussen
Appointed by the Danish Society of Engineers
Christian Lundblad, President of the Frederiksberg District Court
Frederiksberg District Court
Appointed by the Danish Judges’ Association
Sven Petersen, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M
The Danish Chamber of Commerce
Appointed by the Danish Chamber of Commerce
Ulrich Ramm, Attorney-at-Law
Appointed by the Danish IT Industry Association
Jeppe Skadhauge, Attorney-at-law
Rovsing & Gammeljord
Appointed by the Danish Arbitration Association
Kim Haggren, Deputy Director
The Confederation of Danish Industries
Appointed by the Confederation of Danish Industries
Vice-Chairman of the DIA
Håkun Djurhuus, Attorney-at-Law
DLA Piper Law Firm
Appointed by the Danish Bar and Law Society
Chairman of the DIA
The day-to-day management of the activities of the Danish Institute of Arbitration rests with Steffen Pihlblad, Secretary General.